Wednesday 19 December 2012

Ke$ha's Teeth, Blood, and Ghost Sex

Is it coincidence that the same day I heard about Ke$ha's tooth tiara was the same day I read VC's post about her drinking blood onstage? Just when you think the girl couldn't get any more "wtf?"-inducing...she does.

The Infamous Tooth Tiara

She had fans send in their actual teeth, claiming she had "like, 1000" sent to her. Other than perhaps baby teeth, who has extra teeth laying around? Did these people pull a Hangover dentist move and pull them specifically to send her? Anyways, she's made a tiara, a bra, and jewellery with said teeth.

Oh, and in an interview with Ryan Seacrest, she claimed to have had sex with a ghost.



Holy Moly

Vigilant Citizen-most awesome blogger!!

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