Monday 27 June 2011


This looks pretty real to me

Few people want to admit that zombies are real, they laugh it off as ridiculous. Yet if its so unrealistic, why are they so prevalent in pop culture? Movies, comics, tv, games, t-shirts, music? Why are people hacking signs of warning?

Max Brooks has written books detailing the various types of zombies, though he neglects to mention some and he's rumoured to be a pawn.

Various ways a zombie outbreak could happen (from Zombie Hub):

"Most of the historical research of zombie comes where they have originated, the Caribbean island of Haiti. The original type of real zombies are people who were manipulated by some kind of drug created by a voodoo priest and used as slave labor. these are also known as Haiti zombies or voodoo zombies."

"Some Parasites have the potential to cause behavior modification in their effected hosts. This change in behavior has already been documented in many species, including humans. Parasites need a way to transfer from host to host; this could be easily done through the exchange of bodily fluids."

"..viruses do not contain the necessary components needed to carry out the basic chemical reactions required for life. Because they can’t live on their own they infect host cells of other organisms to help them survive and reproduce. Like a parasite, viruses need to find ways to spread to new host cells in order to continue living. They have discovered many different ways to spread to new host organisms. The influenza virus transmits through a sneeze or a cough. Many have the ability to change the DNA of the host cell. Some viruses have even found ways to change the behavior of the host ."

" the late 1930’s Soviet scientists experimented with re-animation and some of these experiments were very successful."

The parasitic and virus theories should be warnings to more of us. The Healthy World Organization (no, I am not confusing it with the fraudulent World Health Organization), Jesse Ventura, various medical practitioners, and many more (perhaps people you know personally) have spoken out against vaccinations. There is one coming "soon" (I suspect tptb will release it around the much-hyped 2012) that will cause recipients to become unknowing carriers of a virus that causes others to become ill (most likely those who refused the shot, the elderly, the young, etc...), thus creating a "pandemic". In response, a "new" vaccination will be released. "The cure" reality, a strerility drug. Personally, I wish they'd release the sterility needle (or whatever form it takes) without the cloak and dagger. Many people would prefer a shot or pill over surgeries...but the majority of the world wants kids. This won't do for tptb. Population must be reduced, they say. This faux pandemic will kill many and prevent survivors from breeding. I'm looking forward to the sterility shot, but not the suffering of the masses leading up to it.

Looks pretty damn IN the skin to me!

I found these comments to be pretty interesting:

"We all are making light of the new H1N1 Virus aka Swine Flu but holy crap their is a variant that makes Zombies REAL and scares the hell out of me. BamKaPow has the following quote which they source to the BBC;
 'Similar to a scare originally found in Cambodia back in 2005, victims of a new strain of the swine flu virus H1N1 have been reported in London. After death, this virus is able to restart the heart of its victim for up to two hours after the initial demise of the person where the individual behaves in extremely violent ways from what is believed to be a combination of brain damage and a chemical released into blood during ‘resurrection.’"
On a different site:

' (

BBC Southeast Asia.

There has been a small outbreak of �zombism� in a small town near the border of Laos in North-Eastern Cambodia.
The culprit was discovered to be mosquitoes native to that region carrying a new strain of Malaria which thus far has a 100 percent mortality rating killing victims in fewer than 2 days.

After death, this virus is able to restart the heart of it�s victim for up to two hours after the initial demise of the person where the individual behaves in extremely violent ways from what is believe to be a combination of brain damage and a chemical released into blood during �resurrection.�

Cambodian officials say that the outbreak has been contained and the public has no need to worry.

General Ary Serey had this to say, "We have obtained samples of this new virus and plan to learn how it starts the heart and other major organs of the deceased. We intend to use this to increase the quality of life for all.'

US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice opposed the plan saying that the Cambodian government holds a great biological weapon and should destroy it immediately. Cambodian officials have yet to comment.

A United Nations team will be dispatched to Cambodia to confirm the safety of biological research in Cambodia."
Later the same user posted:
"Nevermind, I think it's a hoax, I can't find anything to corraborate it and I can't find it on the BBC via the search feature."
Hoax? Not bloody likely-more like a leak was quickly covered. This is a very real report from ABC:
"In real life, the zombies come from the Caribbean island of Haiti. They are a person who has been almost-killed, and then later raised from the almost-dead by a voodoo priest, to be used as slave labour for the rest of their miserable life. Zombies can move, eat, hear and speak, but they have no memory and no insight into their condition. There have been legends about zombies for centuries, but it was only in 1980 that a real-life case was documented.
The story begins in 1962, in Haiti. A man called Clairvius Narcisse was sold to a zombie master by his brothers, because Clairvius refused to sell his share of the family land. Soon after Clairvius "officially" died, and was buried. However, he had been later secretly unburied, and was actually working as a zombie slave on a sugar plantation with many other zombies. In 1964, his zombie master died, and he wandered across the island in a psychotic daze for the next 16 years. The drugs that made him psychotic were gradually wearing off. In 1980, he accidentally stumbled across his long-lost sister in a market place, and recognized her. She didn't recognise him, but he identified himself to her by telling her early childhood experiences that only he could possibly know.
Dr. Wade Davis, an ethnobiologist from Harvard, went to Haiti to research this story. He discovered how to make a zombie. First, make them "dead", then make them "mad" so that their minds are malleable. Often, a local "witch doctor" secretly gives them the drugs.
He made the victim "dead" with a mixture of toad skin and puffer fish. You can put it in their food, or rub it on their skin, especially the soft, undamaged skin on the inside of the arm near the elbow. The victims soon appear dead, with an incredibly slow breath, and an incredibly slow and faint heartbeat. In Haiti, people are buried very soon after death, because the heat and the lack of refrigeration makes the bodies decay very rapidly. This suits the zombie-making process. You have to dig them up within eight hours of the burial, or else they'll die of asphyxiation.
The skin of the common toad (Bufo bufo bufo) can kill - especially if the toad has been threatened. There are three main nasties in toad venon - biogenic amines, bufogenine and bufotoxins. One of their many effects is that of a pain-killer - far stronger than cocaine. Boccaccio's medieval tale, the Decameron, tells the story of two lovers who die after eating a herb, sage, that a toad had breathed upon.
The other half of the witch doctor's wicked potion comes from the pufferfish, which is known in Japan as "fugo". Its poison is called "tetrodotoxin", a deadly neurotoxin. Its pain-killing effects are 160,000 times stronger than cocaine. Eating the fish can give you a gentle physical "tingle" from the tetrodotoxin - and in Japan, the chefs who prepare fugo have to be licensed by the government. Even so, there are rare cases of near-deaths or actual deaths from eating fugo. The toxin drops your temperature and blood pressure, and puts you into a deep coma. In Japan, some of the victims recovered a few days after being declared dead.
Back in Haiti, once you've got the zombie-in-waiting out of the ground, you make them mad, by force-feeding them a paste made from datura (Jimsons Weed). Datura breaks your links with reality, and then destroys all recent memories. So you don't know what day it is, where you are and, worst of all, you don't even know who you are. The zombies are in a state of semi-permanent induced psychotic delirium. They are sold to sugar plantations as slave labour. They are given datura again if they seem to be recovering their senses."

In 2009 the creator of the Undead Report posted about construction signs being hacked. There were about 3 posts in total featuring several pictures. Harmless nerdy pranksters having fun? The authors final post on the subject was most disturbing:

"The Illinois freeways have apparently been taken over – ‘conquered’ if you will – by a master race of commuter zombies. It’s difficult to tell from this vantage point whether they will consume the captive IDOT workers or merely enslave them. One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the zombies will soon be here. And I, for one, welcome our new undead overlords. I’d like to remind them as a trusted blogging personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground brain mines."

Oh really??

He even has a map on his website pointing out various zombie "sightings", news and whatnot. He is quite serious that the zombies are coming...or are already here.

Ebaums World has security footage of what looks like a real life zombie.

Yes, I'm serious. I believe zombies, of all kinds, are real and they will come. Some may be Hollywood-ized Undead, others may simply be MK or Haitian slaves, some may Turn from parasites or viruses. We don't know what we'll face-we may not even realize we're dealing with a zombie when it happens.

But it'll happen.


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