Drew looks like she knows a secret
She does: the truth behind "twinning"
Oh Alyson Hanigan :(
It disturbs me just how Used To the paparazzi Suri is. She's going to be worse than Paris Hilton
A new Royal puppy? Do people actually care about this stuff?
Gwen has evil eyes
Steve Carell: In my wildest dreams I never thought-well, I never thought I'd work. [What did he really want to say?]
Sofia Vergara: Accents are funny. It sets me apart from the other girls doing comedy.
Cloontang: I got it (SAG card) from Riptide. It was fantastic. Are you kidding? It was a great moment of my life because I was lying about being in SAG for a year at that point.
Kyra Sedgwick: I love actors. I love everything they do and who they are. [That sounds rather programmed and shallow! Or evil and scary!]
Michelle Williams: I won't let myself shrink away from a challenge. While my mind is saying "retreat, retreat, retreat!" my heart is already there... [Very telling! She's received much attention as of late for her portrayal of Marilyn Monroe]
Leonardo DiCaprio: The best thing about acting is that I get to lose myself in another character and actually get paid for it... [Another telling statement]
Viola Davis: I am not gonna tell you what I did to pay for the SAG card, because I didn't make enough in the movie to pay for it! [She kinda just did tell us!]
Lost vapid stare
"It wasn't a suicide attempt...it was a mismatch of chemicals that freaked everyone out. She has a problem with alcohol." Why is it called the Los Robles Hospital and Medical Centre?
Literally leaning on her man, looking like a doll
“For those close to Heather Locklear, the news was not unexpected: …’Everybody knew she was in trouble. …She’s so insecure, she’s obsessed with her looks. …she seemed to be spiraling out of control’ since splitting from Jack Wagner [fall 2011], who had just proposed in August. ‘She was desperate to hold onto him.’ During their relationship, Wagner tried to keep a handle on her issues… …’Once she started dating Jack, he didn’t want people around her that contributed to [her drinking], but he assumed everyone around her was like that.’ Over time ‘she seemed disconnected, she ended up with not many people to lean on.’ “
Katy with newly blue hair
Power of three, eh?
More twinning!
Conditioning ad
Bruno Mars says nothing. He answers questions, but it's all fluff. I'm more interested in how he's surrounded by yellow ads.
An evening of public conditioning, with Cloontang. Lots of black and white surrounding her as Stacy Kiebler is initiated from minor celebrity to A-list material as George's arm candy.
A red dress to symbolize rebirth?
NObody drinks pop like this!
Damn near every pair of eyes in these magazines are the same: soulless, lifeless, lost, dolls, or dark, witchy, and corrupt
The young girl in fronts frozen smile and blank eyes sadden me
Am I the only one reminded of Madonna's Evita phase with this photo?
“…After the plane crash that killed the couple on July 16, 1999, [JFK Jr’s assistant, Rosemary] Terenzio felt as if she might never heal. ‘It took me years to feel that the best part of my life wasn’t behind me,’ she tells PEOPLE’s Liz McNeil. ‘I had to find my identity again.’ Now 44 and ready to tell her story, and theirs, in Fairy Tale Interrupted, excerpted here, she recall’s John and Carolyn’s…relationship….revealing for the first time that Carolyn almost didn’t board the plane for that fateful flight…’John [F. Kennedy Jr] was more than a mannequin of good looks and privilege; Carolyn [Bessette] was not this uptight, cold and guarded person.’ …Carolyn quickly became a fairy god-mother and confidante to RoseMarie, dispensing advice on men and taking her shopping. ‘Nothing feels better than new clothes,’ she’d say. ‘That and vodka are your new best friends.’ 

Carolyn and I both lived in John’s unique world. I was often the only person who could relate ’I know this is kind of sad, but there’s no one else I can talk to,’ she said one night, having fled to my studio after an argument with John. John’s insensitivity was the biggest catalyst of their arguments. Carolyn would decline invitations because John said he was coming home for dinner. So she would wait while he worked late and went to the gym, then waltz into the apartment way past dinnertime. Carolyn was not only angry, but also worried about him. Another classic scenario was when he would spring information on her, such as ‘I’m bringing home a friend for dinner…right now.’ It wasn’t mean-spiritedness. He was simply as disorganized and clueless as a kid. …Whenever [Carolyn] went out – to get coffee, walk the dog, or meet a friend – [the paparazzi] were there, pushing in close and shouting things like ‘whore’ and ‘bitch.’ If they could break her perfect exterior, it would be an instant story: “Carolyn on Verge of Nervous Breakdown’ or ‘Problems at Home.’ Carolyn retreated into herself. Unfortunately John didn’t understand.

By the summer of ’99, the marriage was under intense strain. Carolyn said she wasn’t going to attend the July 17 wedding of John’s cousin Rory. ‘She’s determined to stay home,’ John told RoseMarie. ‘I’m not going to fight with her about it.’ RoseMarie tried to change her mind. ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ I said ‘What are you doing?’ ‘I’m not a priority,’ she said ‘It’s always something else. [John’s magazine] George. Somebody getting fired. A trip to meet advertisers.’ ‘I know. But now is not the time to take a stand. His whole family’s going to be at this wedding.’ ‘I just want some normal married time,’ she said. ‘I’m exhausted.’ ‘Listen. You don’t want to put yourself in a position of being judged,’ I said ‘You get enough of that.’ ‘I don’t have anything to wear.’ ‘Go get a dress, and I’ll get you a car to the airport.’ …John was flying his plane to Massachusetts and dropping Carolyn’s sister Lauren off on Martha’s Vineyard before continuing on with Carolyn to Hyannis. Shortly before 10pm, John’s plane crashed off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard, killing all three passengers. …I thought about my last conversation with Carolyn and how I’d told her to get on the plane. Oh God. Heartbroken, RoseMarie helped John’s sister Caroline plan the funeral. We bonded over how much John would have hated the hoopla over his death. ‘Don’t you feel like he’s going to get angry at us for letting this whole thing get so out of control?’ Caroline said in a sentiment shockingly close to my own.

…John’s death was all I thought about for the first few years. Life with John and Carolyn was wonderful but all-consuming. They were the center of my life, and once they were gone, I had to fill that place myself. I often wonder what John would have thought of this or that new event or headline. Standing in front of a mirror, I sometimes ask myself, ‘Would Carolyn be caught dead in this?’…”
The Johnny Depp article is nothing really of interest, until the last couple paragraphs. “On the set of the fourth Pirates in Hawaii in 2010, he was often spotted drinking wine at local bars like Honolulu nightspot Apartment3: ‘He would chat with girls and was very friendly and flirty,’ says a source. After Paradis and the kids arrived later that summer, Depp was seen spending low-key time with his family at his rental home.
On the Puerto Rico set of The Rum Diary in 2009, ‘the girls loved him,’ says actor Carlos Alberto Lopez. Partying at the local Parrot Club to celebrate his 46th birthday one evening, ‘he was just having fun,’ says owner Emilio Figueroa. ‘He was drinking red wine, mojitos, and taking photos with girls, and many guys. He didn’t say no to anyone.’ …’They are both very attached to their children and could work things out,’ says a source who knows them well. “But they have both changed-a lot.’”

Alright so Paula Deen’s coming out with that she’s developed type 2 diabetes…I feel this was formulated all along. Get her fans hooked on insanely unhealthy food (a burger topped with a fried egg and bacon with two Krispy Kreme donuts as buns?? Are you kidding me?!), many would develop the diabetes but Paula would have it too (oh, of course! Otherwise fans would turn on her!) but it’s all good cuz she’s hawking this Victoza diabetes drug…and her sons are cashing in, too, by offering healthier versions of their moms dishes. It’s too convenient! BTW: She has the eyes of a dead doll on the magazine cover.
Black and white cat
Gary Oldman is hailed as a British chameleon. On his character George Smiley in Tinker Tailors: “He’s like an owl, with eyes and ears that pick up everything.” He says acting comes in handy with his younger sons Gulliver, 14, and Charlie, 12. “When I really mean business, I use what I call my Henry V voice- the one that reaches the gods of the Old Vic. It’s very effective.”
Again with the yellow!
Kate Hudson admits Somewhere Over the Rainbow and You’ve Got a Friend are her household lullabies.

The first black fighter pilots don’t seem to get as much credit as they should have. It lists their names, position they held, age, and little else. In front of the flag, top row from left: Theobald Wilson, 89, parachute rigger; Wilfred Dufour, 93, technical support; Rev.Milton Holmes, 85, trainer; Roscoe C Brown Jr, 89, pilot; Otis Foreman, 84, photographer; Eugene Richardson, 85, pilot; Charles McGee, 92, pilot; Floyd Carter, 88, pilot; Charles Lewis, 90, communications. Bottom row: Nancy Colon, 91, nurse; Dabney Montgomery, 88, supply staff; Shade Lee, 90, communications chief; Arthurine Carter, 86, aircraft repair; Roscoe Draper, 92, flight instructor; Henry L. Moore, 90, maintenance; Alton Burton, 88, bombardier; Samuel Henderson, 90, mechanic; Joseph Spooner, 91, armament. “1. First Black Pilots: ‘White pilots trained at different bases.’ Says Roscoe Brown (above, right, in 1945 with fellow airman working on plane, and in group picture, top row, fourth from left). ‘We were trying to be outstanding pilots, and we were dealing with segregation and racism. 2.Trailblazer: Shade Lee (in 1994, and in group picture bottom row, third from left) who helped write rules for integrating the military, remains bitter about his experiences with racism in the military. ‘I did,’ he said, ‘what I had to do. We all did.’ 3. Dangerous Skies: On their famous Berlin mission in March 1945, Brown (on left with two fellow airmen) shot down a Nazi aircraft. ‘When I landed in Italy,’ says Brown, ‘there wasn’t any gas. Another five minutes in the air-I wouldn’t have made it.’”

Sam Worthington One Last Thing…there really isn’t anything noteworthy about it, except that he comes across as a totally regular dude. But he has a reptilian stare. “Last thing I bought for my home: A George Foreman grill. I’m far from a master chef, so I think this thing is great. I cook some steaks and chili eggs, but the chili is squeezed out of a tube. Last time I was recognized: It was Halloween at the Universal CityWalk. This guy walked past and just started laughing at me. He asked if I was in costume as ‘that guy from Avatar.’ I said no. I don’t think he believed me. Last thing I stole: A magazine out of the back of an airplane seat. I like that one where you can buy all the weird stuff. I always want to buy something, but I’m too scared to get the ceramic Bigfoot. Last time I cursed: Five seconds ago. I have a dirty gutter mouth and I have to try and stop it! Last thing I returned: Solar powered lamps. They took forever and were just totally useless, so I took them back to Costco and got a voucher.” Since when does chili come in a tube?
Coming soon: Reading Between The Lines with In Touch featuring headlines about brainwashing and forced sex!